Review In No Time
Are you looking for adjustable weight dumbbells somewhere within a range of Rs 1000?
Well you have landed in the right page. You will be surprised to know, just with dumbbells(provided adjustable weights) , end to end Upper Body, Lower Body,Core and Full Body workout can be covered.
- Dumbbell Bench Press, Dumbbell Rows, Dumbbell Shoulder Press and more - UPPER BODY
- Dumbbell Squats,Dumbbell Lunges, Dumbbell Deadlifts and more - LOWER BODY
- Dumbbell Russian Twists,Dumbbell Side Bends,Dumbbell Woodchoppers and more - CORE
- Dumbbell Thrusters,Dumbbell Clean and Press,Dumbbell Renegade Rows and more - FULL BODY

Pros Cons & Decision

- Budget friendly
- Upto 20kg adjustable
- Easy to assemble
- Decent dumbbells for beginners
- Good in grip

- Product may not look very premium but trust we have researched well and this is best dumbbell within the price range.

Plank just requires three minutes of your day and you get rid of belly fat, improve posture, strengthen core, reduce back pain and much more…
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